Two high-ranking Ukrainian officials detained on suspicion of embezzling funds for purchasing bulletproof vests


According to Agence France Presse, the Ukrainian National Investigation Bureau stated on the 10th local time that two senior officials of the country's Ministry of Defense have been detained on suspicion of embezzling approximately $7 million used to purchase bulletproof vests.

According to reports, the statement comes as Ukrainian President Zelensky is intensifying anti-corruption efforts, firing officials accused of corruption, in order to appease Western allies who provide aid to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian National Bureau of Investigation stated that these two officials ordered "inferior bulletproof vests" from abroad, "which not only resulted in a loss of 250 million hryvnas (approximately 7 million US dollars) in budget funds, but also weakened the country's defense capabilities and threatened the lives and health of military personnel.

According to reports, there have been multiple corruption scandals in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense in recent months. In August, Zelens was dismissed from his position as an official responsible for conscription work in various regions of the country on charges of genetic corruption; In September, then Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov resigned.

(Report source: China News Network)

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